Changes to my study programme
Good afternoon, colleagues, I wish you all well, today I am going to write about the curriculum of my degree, which is social work.
First of all, I started studying the course because I liked the curriculum, so it's not something I'm against, what I don't like a lot is the amount of classes I missed, because before the take, I had a rhythm of study incorporated, and the knowledge fresh enough to make the evaluations, however, after all the time that it took, it was very difficult for me to go back to studying and have the same rhythm as before. Also, going back to being taught new content after having gone so long without having done any assessment of the content that had already been seen, was a bit complicated for me, it's like learning something from a void. Secondly, I am not a big fan of online classes, because after having had the experience of a physical class, there is no comparison in learning in this way, with online classes. Therefore, I disagree that some subjects are given the possibility of online classes and others are not, I think it should be the same for all subjects, because from my point of view, if one subject allows it and the other does not, it is because they do not give the same importance to the impact of the student, a fact that I do not agree with, all subjects should be taught with the same methodology. That' s the way it always was until the pandemic. Thank you very much for reading, take care.
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